There are different reasons for suffering.
First example:
I am suffering right now, because today I bathed my hands for 2 hours in dishwashing liquid, because I had to fill the gap between the kitchen unit and the tiles with silicone and I did a bad job. That's why I am suffering right now.
Second example:
A Russian dicktator is suffering right now because his war in Ukraine is not running as he planned it.
Third example:
Ukrainians who are right now hungry, thirsty and cold, sitting right now in some cellars and are afraid of their lives.
To the first example:
I am suffering because I did a bad job and out of that suffering I can evolve strategies to work with silicone better or I try to avoid to work with silicone because I am not capable to work with silicone.
That is a normal learning process.
But on a deeper level we can say, that I suffer because I build up a picture of myself over time, as a respectable worker.
If I would have instead a picture of myself in my head of a guy, who is fooling always around, then logically I wouldn't suffer right now.
Or if I would have been that smart, to not build up any picture of myself and consequential I would neither suffer right now, because no picture of myself in my head would be damaged.
To the second example.
We can say, putin as a dicktator butchered the job in attacking Ukraine. We can say that is a normal learning process for dicktators.
But as a dicktator he was free to do what he wanted and he didn't had to attack Ukraine and for that he could, it is night now, lay in his cushions and having sweat dreams.
That is self inflicted pain and that would have been avoidable.
To the third example.
Ukrainians didn't had much choice, because the attack was brought on them. They have to live with this suffering or to cope with it, or to accept it.
Suffering is not just suffering and just saying in the end suffering will make us stronger, is oversimplified.
By the way, stronger is a difficult concept, but don't let us go into that.
But we can go still deeper. We can ask why we are suffering and another answer may be, that society is conditioning us to see ourselves as isolated and separated beings.
And isolated and separated beings have to suffer, worst when almost every thought is constructed between a I or a me and an opposite and that would be the world.
That is not a problem, if everybody would be a king or a billionaire, but that is not possible and so suffering is unavoidable, when one is conditioned to think in this way.
To myself, I am a conditioned being myself, I am not free and I suffer too that is why I read this article.
And in reading this article, I remembered about a psychologist, famous, can't remember his name right now, who's opinion was, that having depressions is a active work too, because of all that thinking that goes into it. I just wanted to share that.