Somehow people here like to cite from Radha Sloss book. Just to mention it, Krishnamurti had a law suit against Rajagopal. Radha Sloss is Rajagopals daughter. Rajagopal lost against Krishnamurti the law suit. Krishnamurti got the rights on his material back, so Rajagopal couldn't profit from that material anymore, therefore Radha Sloss couldn't profit either as his heir. I havent read her book, but did she mentioned that she lost financial throught this law suit.
Another thing, I don't understand what people have here with narcissist bashing, it is one of the most favored thing here to do.
There is another side to the narcissist coin, there is no culprit without a victim, this two thing belongs inevitable together.
So no Narcissist without a victim neither. the reason that Narcissists are that bad, is because they can do it! And why can they do it? Because nobody or not enough people are showing them their borders. And why is that. Because we have people that are weak, stupid and not self-reliant and people who don't care to be self-reliant, and that is there fault!
They are the Narcissists enablers. Nobody is talking about them!
I am getting furious, maybe I start to write an article about that and do some narcissist victim bashing by myself.
It is the same with your gurus, they wouldn't be gurus If they haven't found enough non self-reliant people.
When it comes to Krishnamurti, then I am quite sure, that Krishnamurti would be quite happy if he didn't had to sit at all his life in front of an audience. And that is horrible, if you have to sit all your life in front of people who are too stupid to get your message, but you have too, because you(Krishnamurti) are suffering when you are confronted with all that stupidity and ignorance!