Multiple things are involved in this. Why are people watching porn? Maybe the can't have the act? So they watch porn and get hornier. People running for pleasure, because they don't want to confront them self with mediation and self-inquiry and learn how pleasure acts in the mind.
There is no difference when it is regarded from the pleasure point, if they are watching porn or youtube.
Society is producing humans that are mentally crippled, bans will not solve that issue.
Crippled people are abusing other people, because of no compassion and people are striving to get rich no matter how ethical it is (pornhub).
Capitalism is creating all the time player like them.
People make money, showing how they have life sex, because that is there best or only possible way to create a reasonable income.
Society is degenerating more and more as J. Krishnamurti all the time said.
We have this kind of world, because intelligence is not ruling it, money rules it or power, or the search for security, either way, it is all the same.