I wrote an article about that. I think Opinions are overrated. https://redhotchiliprepper.medium.com/opinions-are-overrated-1d97ae50b501
J. Krishnamurti, was not a neurologist, or a doctor, but I didn’t forget when he said, it is of no use if one is trying to activate areas in the brain that are dead, one has to activate areas there are still alive.
It is the same with talking or trying to convince people, it is of no use when they are not able to get the point and forcefully trying to convince people, is violence, and comes with self-righteousness and is “evil” too. I am saying “evil” because, people down there in the comments like to throw in the word “evil”, like that is just good and evil. There are a lot of grey tones, between white and black. Read my article, if you are more interested. CU