Hi Jessica, I found some incongruity in your article!
1. People with hope have more energy than people without hope, or? Therefore people with hope can change more in this world, because of more energy.
2. Mindful people, even when you want to puke at them, have more energy then "mindless", or people who live in their heads, dwelling in hope or despair. Therefore mindful people can change more too, because of more energy.
3. Hope and gloom are different part of the same coin, they are based on thinking. They more you think, the more you are not aware what is going on right now in your life - in this very moment.
That is a act that is dispelling energy, we could need that energy in changing something what is important.
4. Sounds like positive thinkers are automatically shaming people with depression. At least you have putted it that way in your article. That statement may be only rarely true.
5. Your article is stating that people with hope, don't see the dire situation of humanity, you are saying people with hope are ignorant. One can doubt that too.
6. Your statement: "You’ve sabotaged those of us doing the real work." leads to the conclusion that you see yourself as part of the righteous ones. I doubt that, because for that to be true, you are spreading too much confusion. Confusion is part of the dark side, as gloom is part of it.
Your statement: "I’m getting pretty sick of the people who casually mock doomsayers, when they offer nothing but judgement. Some of us have been doing our part for a long, long time. They haven’t been."
How is the bible putting it, don't judge because .... ?
7. You want to puke on mindful people? I guess you don't understand what mindfulness is! If your thinking is that you could puke on people who are claiming to be mindful, just do it!
8. We are the dancing and singing crap of the world! Let's make fun of doomsayers, but only mindful.