But on another level it seems we have choice. Yes a lot is predetermined in our live, of which we don't have influence, and lot of peoples success is based on coincidence, randomness, luck and not on their cleverness, even if they claim it to be. Born in the west, born into a rich, more conflict free environment helps a lot.
But all of us humans are confronted nevertheless with a lot of conflicts, rich people too, but some of us getting crazy because of this conflicts and some of us walk the way of forgiveness, compassion, happiness or just make the best out of life.
A saying goes: Live is what you make out of it.
A example would be the roman slave philosopher, who got his freedom because of his endurance, or acceptance of his fate.
Don't know his name, now. He sincerely had the choice of getting mad or to live with his fate.
Maybe some biological, or uprising conditions helped but that is not explaining everything.
There is still the choice to act rather then only to react.
My thinking is deeply influenced by the philosopher Krishnamurti and he says that, we only choose if we are confused people.
Because people with clarity in their minds know what right action is, because of their insight into things.
I think that fits nicely into the philosopher, slave story. The guy had so much insight that it was no option for him to switch mentally to the dark side, what is bitterness, frustration, hate and madness.
When it was no option to turn to the dark side, then he had no choice.
I leave that now open, for who ever reads this to make up his own opinion, if we have choice in life.